A succinct summary of key Commonwealth, State and Territory legislation concerning modern slavery
Published: 23 December, 2022
Publisher: LexisNexis Australia
Quick Reference Card: Modern Slavery - Australia’s Legislative Framework clarifies the umbrella term of “modern slavery” and the main focus of the Modern Slavery Act No. 153, 2018 (Cth) vis-à-vis the Modern Slavery Act 2018 No 30 (NSW); and the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth) Division 270—Slavery and slavery‑like offences. It explains in a nutshell the crime of modern slavery under the Criminal Code Act 1995and the various other servitude-based offences contained in the criminal statutes of each State and Territory.
• outlines various practices that constitute modern slavery
• summarises the offences and penalties under Commonwealth and State Law
• includes a synopsis of landmark cases to date
• will save students and practitioners valuable time and effort conducting initial research into the complex topic of modern slavery
Related Titles
• Chazal & Raby, Modern Slavery in Australia, 1st edition