Finding what you need on the LexisNexis eStore is fast and easy. Products are organised by practice areas, as well as by specific product types and special feature areas. You can browse through these sections, or search by keyword or topic of law. And if you know the specific product you need, you can go directly to it by entering the title, author name, ISBN or product number. In addition to making your purchases easier and faster, we've built in features that will allow you to learn about special offers as well as Bestsellers and New Releases.
We accept Visa, Mastercard and American Express. We also accept payment via a valid LexisNexis account.
Please note: All prices are subject to change without notice.
Yes. The LexisNexis Store site uses state-of-the-art security provided by Netscape's secure socket layer, which ensures that sensitive information does not pass through unencrypted. The eStore does not maintain a database of your credit card numbers. In fact, if you need to discuss your website purchases or transactions with a Store representative, be sure to write down your order number.
This will depend on the shipping option you selected at time of purchase, as well as on whether any of the items ordered are on backorder.
Instructions on how to download your digital content will be emailed to you. Please allow up to 1 business day for your product to be electronically delivered.
Eparcel: This option can be used for national delivery only. Please allow up to 5 business days for delivery subsequent to the processing of your order. This delivery option offers order tracking. An email will be sent to you providing you with details of order tracking.
For orders under $125, the Australia Post Eparcel delivery option will be chosen as default and $11.00 delivery fee is applicable, unless you choose one of our other delivery options, upon which the related shipping fee will be applied.
For orders over $125, delivery is free and will use the Australia Post Eparcel delivery option as default, unless you choose one of our other delivery options, upon which the related shipping fee will be applied.
Print-on-Demand orders will be supplied directly from the Printers, please allow despatch within 4 – 6 business days. Estimated delivery ETA for Parcel Post (Australia Post):
**This information is provided by the carrier and excludes weekends and holidays.
How do I cancel an order?
If you wish to cancel an order that you have placed on the eStore, please call us at 1800 772 772 (8am - 6pm AEST, Monday to Friday). Or, send an email to as
soon as possible. Please note that we cannot cancel an order once it has entered the shipping process.
How do I return an order?
For Written Publications (textbooks and bound volumes only):
For all other products, please refer to the Terms of Trade.
LexisNexis Australia currently ships to the following:
Australia | Australia, Gilbert Islands, Nauru, New Caledonia, Norfolk Island, Papua New Guinea, Pitcairn, Solomon Islands, Republic of Kiribati, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea only |
Customer Support
If you have an issue or query you can contact the customer support team with the details below:
Phone - 1800 772 772 (8am to 6pm AEST, Monday to Friday)
Email -