Legal Problem Solving - A Guide for Law Students

This book describes methods of legal problem solving and then demonstrates how the method can be applied in the solution of an examination question.

Published: 01 November, 2002

Publisher: LexisNexis Australia

Product Format Details Qty
Book: Paperback
AUD$  79.00
In Stock ISBN: 9780409312409
This book describes methods of legal problem solving and then demonstrates how the method can be applied in the solution of an examination question - identifying the issues; stating relevant legal authorities; applying the law; arguing the facts and reaching a conclusion. Sample answers prepared by students are analysed and discussed in terms of the students' ability to identify legal issues, state relevant legal authority, develop legal argument and prepare written advice. The subject areas considered include; contracts, constitutional law, torts, business law and criminal law.
  • Why Problem-based Assessment is used in Law Teaching
  • Identifying the Issues
  • Stating the Relevant Legal Authority
  • Developing an Argument
  • Reaching a Conclusion
  • Sample Questions and Answers - Contracts, Torts, Criminal Law, Real Property, Equity, Succession, Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Evidence, Law of Associations, Family Law
  • Study Methods and Examination Technique

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