Land Acquisition, 7th edition

Land Acquisition 7th edition offers an examination of the principles of law governing the compulsory acquisition or resumption of land in Australia.

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Product Format Details Qty
Book: Hardback
AUD$ 285.00
In Stock ISBN: 9780409345971
eBook: ePub
AUD$ 210.00
In Stock ISBN: 9780409345988
Book: Paperback
AUD$ 210.00
Print-On-Demand ISBN: 9780409347647


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Now in its seventh edition, Land Acquisition is an examination of the principles of the law governing the compulsory acquisition or resumption of land in Australia. It summarises the principal legislative provisions and the case law that has emerged over 150 years. Reference is made to nine federal, state and territory states and to approximately 450 reported cases.

Book Review - The Law Society of Tasmania


  • Written by a new team of property experts
  • Concise extracts for effective understanding
  • Nationwide coverage of land acquisition in Australia

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