Corporations Law, 5th Edition

An accessible and comprehensive text for law and business students covering the full range of topics taught in an undergraduate corporations law course.

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Book: Paperback
AUD$ 145.00
In Stock ISBN: 9780409343298
eBook: ePub
AUD$ 145.00
In Stock ISBN: 9780409343304

Corporations Law, 5th Edition by Colin Anderson, Jennifer Dickfos, Margaret Hyland, Marina Nehme and Andrew Dahdal is an accessible text covering the full range of topics taught in a corporations law course. It adopts a structure which helps students develop a greater understanding of the core subject. Key areas of study are identified and complex legal concepts are demystified.

This new edition continues to adopt a straightforward style with a particular emphasis on problem solving, allowing students to develop their critical thinking skills and practise responding to legal problem questions.


  • Key concepts covered
  • Practice questions and suggested answers to develop problem-solving skills
  • Further reading to springboard research and deeper understanding of the topic
  • Comprehensive and innovative suite of online resources

Related Titles

Harris, Hargovan & Adams, Australian Corporate Law, 5th Edition, 2015
Austin & Ramsay, Ford, Austin and Ramsay’s Principles of Corporations Law, 16th Edition, 2014
Harris, LexisNexis Study Guide: Corporations Law, 3rd Edition, 2014

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