New Appleman Texas Insurance Law

New Appleman Texas Insurance Law is a handy but detailed practical guide covering the everyday issues and concerns of Texas insurance practitioners.
Publisher: Matthew Bender

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Print Book:1 volume, softbound
2024 Edition
ISBN: 9781663387875
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2024 Edition
ISBN: 9781663387882
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2024 Edition
ISBN: 9781663387882
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New Appleman Texas Insurance Law is a Texas-specific insurance guide covering lines of coverage, underwriting, coverage decisions, and insurance litigation, written by and for the Texas insurance practitioner. It combines the useful features of LexisNexis practice guides, including forms, pointers, and practice tips, as well as the in-depth insurance discussion you expect from the Appleman line of insurance publications.

The previous edition's ISBN is 9781663363848.

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Table of contents

Chapter 1 Introduction to Insurance
Chapter 2 Approaches to Coverage and Coverage Litigation
Chapter 3 Personal Insurance Lines
Chapter 4 Commercial General Liability Insurance
Chapter 5 Commercial Insurance Lines
Chapter 6 Professional Insurance Lines
Chapter 7 Life, Health, and Disability Insurance
Chapter 8 Rescission and Reformation of Insurance Policies
Chapter 9 Extracontractual (Bad Faith) Liability
Chapter 10 Excess, Umbrella, and Surplus Lines Insurance
Chapter 11 Deductibles and Self-Insured Retentions
Chapter 12 Conservation, Liquidation, and Guarantee Funds
Chapter 13 Responses to Tender
Chapter 14 Litigating Insurance Disputes