Butterworths Hong Kong Bankruptcy Law Handbook - Seventh Edition

This new edition presents the consolidated text of the Ordinance in a convenient and up-to-date form with section-by-section annotations

Publication Date: August 2022

Publisher: LexisNexis

Product Format Details Qty
Book (Soft cover)
HK$  2,400.00
In Stock ISBN: 9789888799893
This new edition presents the consolidated text of the Ordinance in a convenient and up-to-date form with section-by-section annotations. Annotations include references to cases assisting in the interpretation of each section, relevant rules of court, definitions of words and phrases, discussion on practical aspects of application and contentious issues. Hong Kong and UK cases, related legislation and other authoritative materials are identified and discussed in detail. All annotations are fully cross referenced with comprehensive tables of cases and legislation. This updated AOHK additionally reproduces all subsidiary legislation to the Ordinance currently in force.

Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap 6) - 4 sub-legs ; 1 repealed sub-leg

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