Risk Management in Canadian Education-Newsletter

Eight high-profile leaders in education law and risk management bring you articles that cover topics including legal liability of boards, principals, vice-principals, trustees and teachers for negligent actions, sexual harassment, and violation of Human Rights Codes.

Publication Language: English

Publisher: LexisNexis Canada

Product Format Details Qty
In Stock ISBN: 9780433430636

Eight high-profile leaders in education law and risk management bring you articles that:

  • Deliver hard practical help in the management of day-to-day school routine
  • Alert you to, and evaluate, current problem/resolution techniques used across Canada
  • Accurately reflect the current state of the law in each province
  • Provide check-lists and guidelines

Topics covered include legal liability of boards, principals, vice-principals, trustees and teachers for:

  • Negligent actions
  • Sexual harassment
  • Violations of Human Rights Codes

Other topics include management of violence in schools, bullying, child abuse, and family law issues such as custody and access.

Risk Management in Canadian Education is available in three convenient subscription formats: Print Only, Print + PDF or PDF Only. The PDF version can be posted on your firm's Intranet so that all staff may benefit from this information-packed newsletter. Please note that the PDF version may be used for Internal Distribution only.

Billing Method: Annual Subscription

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