Handbook of U.S. Antitrust Sources

The Handbook of U. S. Antitrust Sources provides, in a unique eBook format, portable access to the most fundamental resources for practicing antitrust law.

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ISBN: 9781614384168
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ISBN: 9781614384168
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International Order Inquiry

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The Handbook of U. S. Antitrust Sources provides, in a unique eBook format, portable access to the most fundamental resources for practicing antitrust law. These include full text of the relevant antitrust statutes, all current federal antitrust guidelines, and the Hart-Scott-Rodino rules. Added features include Internet links to all Supreme Court antitrust decisions and to other important sources on the Federal Trade Commission, Department of Justice and Antitrust Section websites. The book will be an invaluable tool for antitrust practitioners who want to have these important resources at their fingertipsWithout the inconvenience of a hefty print volume. The electronic format takes advantage of all the attractive functionalities provided by commercial eReaders, including portability, reflowability, text searching, and marginal note-taking. Additional value is provided by the internal linking between cross-references, which will be particularly helpful in navigating the complex Hart-Scott-Rodino statute and regulations. Easy access to Supreme Court cases without time-consuming searches is provided by direct external links to full-text versions of the opinions in Google Scholar.

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