Handbook on Scope of Antitrust

This new Handbook on the Scope of Antitrust offers a first-of-its-kind, user-friendly solution in the form of a one-stop, black-letter-focused book of practical guidance on all exemptions and immunities issues, treating them in an integrated fashion as components of one body of law.

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ISBN: 9781634250559
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ISBN: 9781634250559
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International Order Inquiry

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Throughout its life, federal antitrust law has been subject to literally dozens of limitations. Specific statutory exemptions have existed since 1914 and currently about 30 of them remain in force. Antitrust is likewise limited by several distinct, voluminous bodies of caselaw that set out judicially created exemptions, to shield politics, labor, and a broad range of industries subject to other regulation. Several of these doctrines have become complex and uncertain. The scope of antitrust, in other words, now comprises a substantial body of law in its own right. This new Handbook on the Scope of Antitrust offers a first-of-its-kind, user-friendly solution in the form of a one-stop, black-letter-focused book of practical guidance on all exemptions and immunities issues, treating them in an integrated fashion as components of one body of law.

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