It provides updates on various recent developments, and in particular addresses the latest changes to the Employment Act which came into force in April 2019.
The book is intended to serve as a core textbook for students studying Equity and Trusts in Singapore, and as a useful reference for practitioners.
As such, it will closely cover the Equity and Trusts course syllabuses in all three local law schools.
A most comprehensive and concise reference book on taxation of income for tax professionals. This edition aims to explain the fundamental changes to the tax landscape and updates on the Second Edition with a comprehensive coverage and analysis of case law developments, administrative guides and practical application of the income tax law, tax treaties and international tax agreements.
Author(s): Chan Wing Cheong, Neil Morgan, Stanley Yeo
This book describes and evaluates the general principles of criminal responsibility and the major offences against the person and property contained in the Singapore Penal Code. Leading cases from Singapore and the other Indian Penal Code jurisdictions of India, Malaysia, Myanmar and Sri Lanka are considered, along with relevant cases from major common law jurisdictions.