Better Together
Published: 31 October, 2024
Publisher: LexisNexis New Zealand
Butterworths Student Companion: Employment Law, 2nd edition
The second edition of Employment Law: Butterworths Student Companion contains concise summaries of the leading decisions that are covered in the study of evidence.
Employment Law in Aotearoa New Zealand, 3rd edition
A must-have text for everyone who requires a comprehensive overview of employment law.
Chapter 1 Scope of the book
Chapter 2 Directors – definitions and status
Chapter 3 The division of powers between directors and shareholders
Chapter 4 The mechanics of the exercise of directorial power
Chapter 5 Directors’ duites – general issues
Chapter 6 Duty to act in the best interests of the company
Chapter 7 Liability for profiting
Chapter 8 Conflicts of interest
Chapter 9 The duties of care, diligence and skill, and of compliance with the Companies Act and constitution
Chapter 10 Insolvency and directors’ duties
Chapter 11 Duties owed to shareholders and the duty to act for a proper purpose
Chapter 12 Ratification of directors’ breaches of duty
Chapter 13 Directors’ liability to third parties in tort, contract, and equity