Take-overs and Mergers, 3rd Edition provides a detailed and systematic account of the law and practice relating to take-overs and mergers.
The emphasis throughout is on practice and procedure. The underlying reasons and purposes for the Rules and General Principles are discussed in detail to provide a clearer understanding of the rationale for the Rules and General Principles, and the philosophy of the regulators. This latest edition has been carefully structured to provide a comprehensive guide to assist investment bankers, legal practitioners and all other professionals involved in take-overs and mergers. The regulatory framework of the financial markets, the Securities and Futures Act, the SGX-ST Listing Manual, the Competition Act, the Companies Act and the Singapore Code on Take-overs and Mergers are covered in detail.
• Carefully crafted as a work of reference for practitioners and others involved in mergers and acquisitions and is essential reading for them
• The only standard work available on take-overs and mergers in Singapore
• The work contains transactional documents (including key documents such as the offer document, the target board circular, press announcement and schemes of arrangement document from actual transactions)
• SIC Public Statements, Practice Notes and Key Rulings are analyzed and reproduced in this Edition