Publisher: LexisNexis
Offences Against Persons and Property is an introductory text to criminal offences against persons and property as codified in the Penal Code. These offences constitute the main form of crimes reported and investigated by the police.
The book incorporates amendments introduced into the Penal Code by the Penal Code (Amendment) Act 1993 (Act A860) which came into force in September 1993, Act A1131 in August 2002, Act A1210 in March 2007 and A1273 and A1303 in September 2007. Table of cases, table of legislation and index on keywords are appended for easy reference.
Students and readers who require a basic text in this area of law will find the book easy to understand. The text is simple and concise and where applicable, references are made to provisions in the Indian Penal Code and relevant cases.