Published: 02 September, 2021
Publisher: LexisNexis
This 2021 desk edition of the National Land Code looks at recent decisions, including case law from other jurisdictions, on the principles relevant to the National Land Code, and their relationship to the operation of the Code. In particular, references are made to cases in contract law, equity, trusts, property, and remedies, which are influential and relevant in the operation of land matters. This is especially so of cases applicable to the principles of statutory contract law, and to local influences on equitable principles. This title also considers the concept of indefeasibility in detail. Interests or rights in land which are outside the scope of the Code, including those dealt with in contract, but which have relevance to land ownership. Recent legislative amendments, most notably the introduction of the National Land Code 2020 (Act 828), which came into force on 15 October 2020, are accompanied by explanatory commentary on the need for amendment, and their application. In an expansion of the 2019 addition, this new edition also includes annotations of the Sarawak Land Code and Sabah Land Ordinance.