LexisNexis Essential Reference: Capital Markets and Services (eBook)

The publication includes: Commentaries on defining specific terms within the Act The commentaries also cross-refer to local and international cases Relevant local and international legislation Summary of recent Capital Markets cases

Published: 20 December, 2016

Publisher: LexisNexis

Product Format Details Qty
MYR  189.00 MYR  270.00
ISBN: 9789674006471
Capital markets are a broad category of markets facilitating the buying and selling of financial instruments. Capital markets are constantly evolving due to various regulations from regulatory bodies and the financial and business sector. The past 15 years in Malaysia have seen and witnessed a host of changes in the legal and regulatory framework of the securities and futures markets culminating in the introduction of the Capital Markets and Services Act in 2007. The Securities Commission Malaysia is a statutory body entrusted with the responsibility of regulating and systematically developing the capital markets in Malaysia. The Capital Markets and Services Act 2007 which came into force on 28 September 2007 is seen as a continuous measure to strengthen the capital market regulatory framework, improve business efficacy and further enhance investor protection. This publication is designed to offer a clear overview of the legislation that governs Capital Markets and seek to explain the legal approach adopted by the court.

Table of Cases

Table of Contents

Table of Cases

Table of Legislation

Table of Subsidiary Legislation

Table of Foreign Legislation

Table of Rules of Court

Capital Markets and Services Act 2007

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