Khoo’s Law and Practice of Bankruptcy in Malaysia, Third Edition

An effective reference book on the bankruptcy law and practice in Malaysia.

Published: 02 June, 2021

Publisher: LexisNexis

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Book (Soft cover)
MYR 380.00
Out of Stock ISBN: 9789674009878
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MYR 410.40
ISBN: 9789674009885

Since its inception in 2000, Khoo’s Law and Practice of Bankruptcy in Malaysia has been an effective reference book on the bankruptcy law and practice of the country, used not only in the law offices and the courts, but also in the local universities and colleges. The book has been referred to in numerous reported cases, including two Federal Court decisions. 18 years after the second edition, the book has now been updated to incorporate all relevant reported cases up to 2020. The content has also been updated to reflect the changes introduced by the 2017 and 2020 Amendment Acts, thus providing readers a more comprehensive overview of the present landscape of bankruptcy law in Malaysia.

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