Islamic Finance: Recovery, Rescheduling & Restructuring of Islamic Financial and Capital Market Services in Malaysia 2nd Edition (Soft Cover)

This book contains a detailed discussion on the law and Shariah aspects of Recovery, Rescheduling and Restructuring of Islamic Financing Facilities.

Published: 09 August, 2019

Publisher: LexisNexis

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MYR  230.00
Back-order ISBN: 9789674008413


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This book contains a detailed discussion on the law and Shariah aspects of Recovery, Rescheduling and Restructuring of Islamic Financing Facilities. This second edition brings with it the updates on all the latest policies and guidelines of the regulators. Written from a practical perspective, the title contains sample precedents, suggested (best practice) checklists, as well as simple illustrations and calculations. The author has also discussed in details many aspects of recovery, rescheduling and restructuring of Islamic financial and capital market products and services in Malaysia in view of the current development. It has also updated extensively in accordance with the latest decisions, in particular, the Federal Court decision in the case of JRI Resources Sdn. Bhd. V Kuwait Finance House (Malaysia) Berhad. The previous edition of this book was called Islamic Finance: Recovery, Rescheduling & Restructuring of Islamic Financing.

1. Introduction to Islamic Bankingin Malaysia

2. LegalRegulatory Framework

3. LegalDocumentation for Islamic Bankingand Finance

4. Sale Contracts (I)

5. Sale Contracts (II)

6. Leasing Contracts

7. Participatory Contracts

8. Other Types of Contracts

9. Unilateral Contracts

10.Hybrid Contracts



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