Published: 10 December, 2019
Publisher: LexisNexis
Part 1: Justifications and Preliminaries
Chapter 1: The concept of intellectual property: Why have intellectual property rights?
Chapter 2: The protection of confidential information
Part 2: Copyright and Related Rights
Chapter 3: Copyright: Origins, rationale and basic principles
Chapter 4: Framework of copyright protection
Chapter 5: Exclusive rights and their infringement
Chapter 6: Third parties and protection of rights holders
Chapter 7: Ownership and exploitation of copyright
Chapter 8: International copyright arrangements and new developments
Chapter 9: Industrial designs and artistic works
Part 3: Patents for Inventions and Allied Rights
Chapter 10: The Australian patent system
Chapter 11: Concept of invention
Chapter 12: Patent validity
Chapter 13: Exploitation of patents
Part 4: Trade Marks and Commercial Indications
Chapter 14: Passing off and related actions
Chapter 15: Registered trade marks: origins and rationale
Chapter 16: Registration of trade marks
Chapter 17: Rights given by trade mark registration
Appendix - Sample patent specification