Intellectual and Industrial Property Law, 3rd edition (eBook)

Intellectual and Industrial Property Law, 3rd edition is a clear and accessible introduction to contemporary Australian intellectual property law by William van Caenegem (Author)

Published: 01 July, 2019

Publisher: LexisNexis

Product Format Details Qty
MYR  543.35
ISBN: 9780409350166
Intellectual and Industrial Property Law, 3rd edition is a clear and accessible introduction to contemporary Australian intellectual property law by William van Caenegem (Author)

Themes and Concepts in Intellectual Property Law

Copyright: Subsistence Requirements

Copyright: Ownership and Exploitation

Copyright Infringement in General

Copyright: Other Rights and Exceptions

Registered Designs

Patents: Subject Matter

Patents: Novelty and Inventiveness

Patents: Ownership, Assignment and Licence

Patents: Infringement

Breach of Confidence: Elements of the Action

Breach of Confidence: Defences, Remedies and Employees

Passing Off

Registered Trade Marks: Definition of a Mark and Distinctiveness

Registered Trade Marks: Other Requirements

Registered Trade Marks: Infringement

Sui Generis Regimes: Circuit Layouts and Plant Varieties


Remedies in Intellectual Property Law