Banking Law - 5th Edition (eBook)

This Fifth Edition encompasses the many developments since the last edition was published in 2012, including changes that we have seen to the legislation, regulations, case law, and other legal issues. This information is beneficial to a vast audience, including regulators, supervisors, bankers, professionals, corporations and businesses, and students. In line with the previous publications, this new edition provides crucial insight into the wide areas of banking law but remains in a format easy to understand.

Published: 06 May, 2019

Publisher: LexisNexis

Product Format Details Qty
MYR  702.00
ISBN: 9789674008383
This Fifth Edition encompasses the many developments since the last edition was published in 2012, including changes that we have seen to the legislation, regulations, case law, and other legal issues. This information is beneficial to a vast audience, including regulators, supervisors, bankers, professionals, corporations and businesses, and students. In line with the previous publications, this new edition provides crucial insight into the wide areas of banking law but remains in a format easy to understand.

Chapter 1 Legal and Regulatory Framework

Chapter 2 The Banker-Customer Relationship

Chapter 3 Accounts of Customers

Chapter 4 Negotiable Instruments

Chapter 5 Electronic Banking

Chapter 6 Lending and Securities

Chapter 7 Guarantees

Chapter 8 Loan Recovery and Insolvency

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