Land Law in Hong Kong - Fifth Edition

Land Law in Hong Kong has, over the years, become the leading book on the subject. The new edition continues to explain key concepts of property law and the conveyancing process, and cover all essential topics, including major forms of land acquisition, protection of land ownership or interests, leases, licences, easements and mortgages.

Publication Date: October 2022

Publisher: LexisNexis

Product Format Details Qty
Book (Soft cover)
HK$  2,800.00
In Stock ISBN: 9789888799978

Land Law in Hong Kong has, over the years, become the leading book on the subject. The new edition continues to explain key concepts of property law and the conveyancing process, and cover all essential topics, including major forms of land acquisition, protection of land ownership or interests, leases, licences, easements and mortgages. This book contains extracts from numerous sources including judgments, academic writings and statutory provisions focusing on the core rationale behind the law and providing a convenient reference for readers. Furthermore, this book includes chapters on successive interests, the rules against perpetuities and deeds of mutual covenant and the management of multi-storey buildings.

Chapter 1 - Matrimonial Causes & Family Proceedings

Chapter 2 - Marriage

Chapter 3 - Divorce

Chapter 4 - Ancillary Relief & Financial Orders

Chapter 5 - Children

Chapter 6 - Domestic Violence Injunctions

Chapter 7 - Injunctions

Chapter 8 - Enforcement

Chapter 9 - Costs

Chapter 10 - Legal Aid

Chapter 11 - ADR & Mediation

Chapter 12 - Leading Judgments

Appendix I - Practice Directions

Appendix II - International Law

Appendix III - Practice & Procedure : Suggested Checklists

Appendix IV - Ancillary Relief Tables

Appendix V - Codes of Conduct & Practice

Appendix VI - Forms (Sample & Non-Statutory)

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