Intellectual Property and Contemporary Business - Second Edition

Authors: Ronald Yu

This book will be an invaluable source of information for businesses, legal advisers, media, broadcasting agencies, students, and anyone interested in the evolving role of IP and competitive advantage.

Publication Date: February 2022

Publisher: LexisNexis

Product Format Details Qty
Book (Soft cover)
HK$  1,500.00
In Stock ISBN: 9789888765478

It has been famously said that most of the value created by companies today is now intangible, but if one drills down, one discovers that the real source of much of this value is intellectual property (IP).

Intellectual Property and Contemporary Business (Second Edition) is a detailed work discussing the role of IP in helping businesses create and maintain competitive advantage.

The book opens with a short discussion of the changing nature of competitive advantage, the growing contribution of IP to competitive advantage and moves to a discussion of various IP rights followed by in-depth discussions of IP valuation, financing and IP-related issues with artificial intelligence (AI) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs).  

This book will be an invaluable source of information for businesses, legal advisers, media, broadcasting agencies, students, and anyone interested in the evolving role of IP and competitive advantage.

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