The Emotional Consequences of Personal Injury, 2nd Edition

Provides clear advice on the specialized medical and legal issues which must be successfully navigated during the course of a personal injury claim. The 2nd Edition incorporates nearly a decade of significant developments in this evolving field.

Publication Language: English

Published: January 01, 2001

Publisher: LexisNexis Canada

Product Format Details Qty
In Stock ISBN: 9780433438519

Provides clear advice on the specialized medical and legal issues which must be successfully navigated during the course of a personal injury claim. Co-written by one of Canada's leading psychiatric medical expert together with three established litigators, this book provides you with an authoritative reference that:

  • Defines and clarifies the psychiatric and medical issues
  • Outlines the relationship between physical and emotional injuries
  • Summarizes the key elements of emotional claims litigation
  • Delineates the respective roles of medical and legal specialists
  • Provides guidance on preparation for and conduct of a trial involving claims for damages for emotional injuries
  • Analyzes the available heads and quantum of damages
  • Describes the recommended contents, preparation and use of medico-legal reports

The 2nd Edition incorporates nearly a decade of significant developments in this evolving field. The result is a reference that reflects the latest medical and legal issues on such topics as brain injuries, sexual abuse, heads and quantum of damages for emotional injury

Chapter 1: Overview of Emotional Trauma and Disability
Chapter 2: The Litigation Process
Chapter 3: Legal Principles in the Assessment of Claims for Emotional Trauma
Chapter 4: The Lawyer's Role
Chapter 5: The Role of Mental Health Professionals
Chapter 6: The Behavioural and Emotional Consequences of Personal Injury
Chapter 7: Common Psychiatric Diagnoses Following Injury
Chapter 8: Chronic Pain Disorders
Chapter 9: Clinical Aspects of Closed Head Injuries
Chapter 10: Litigation Issues of Sexual Abuse
Chapter 11: Deception: Defensive and Malingering
Chapter 12: Mental Health and Psychiatric Assessment of Traumatized Children
Chapter 13: Mental Health Consultation and Reports for Personal Injury Litigants
Chapter 14: Examples of Medico-legal Reports with Comments
Chapter 15: Preparation of the Lawyer and the Mental Health Professional for Trial
Chapter 16: The Psychiatrist and Other Mental Health Experts in Court: Examination and Cross-examination
Chapter 17: Damages for Emotional Injury

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