Halsbury's Laws of Canada – Real Property (2021 Reissue)

This title is a comprehensive statement of real property law in every province and territory throughout Canada, covering key topics and emerging issues in property transactions.

Publication Language: English

Published: March 22, 2021

Publisher: LexisNexis Canada

Product Format Details Qty
In Stock ISBN: 9780433506126
Hardcover | 1,146 pages

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The cross-jurisdictional and cross-disciplinary nature of real property law makes it a challenging and intricate area of practice. Individual provincial statutes, combined with a large body of common law, further amplify the complexity of this area.

Halsbury's Laws of Canada – Real Property (2021 Reissue) is a comprehensive statement of real property law in every province and territory throughout Canada. Covering key topics and emerging issues in property transactions, this volume is an essential resource for all real estate lawyers, real estate law professors and students, and any lawyer whose practice intersects with real property interests.

I. Estates in Land

1. Types of Interests in Land

2. Types of Estates

3. Types of Tenancies

4. Restrictive Covenants

5. Powers of Appointment

6. Registration

7. Land Titles

8. Recovery of Land

II. Sale of Land

1. Contract for Sale of Land

2. Physical and Title Defects

3. Interests and Obligations of Parties Pending Closure

4. Remedies for Breach of Contract

III. Boundaries and Surveys

1. Boundaries

2. Surveyors and Surveys

IV. Easements

1. General

2. Establishment and Acquisition of Easements

3. Termination of Easements

4. Disturbance of Easements

V. Water and Drainage

1. Introduction

2. Ownership and Rights in Relation to Lands Bordering On or In Water

3. Disposition, Grant, Lease or Licence of Lands

4. Right to Use and Flow of Water

5. Liability for Damage to Property Caused by Water

6. Drainage

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