Halsbury's Laws of Canada – Municipal and Planning, Special Edition

Authored by a pair of experts in municipal and planning law, this valuable volume thoroughly covers every aspect of these practice areas.

Publication Language: English

Published: October 01, 2013

Publisher: LexisNexis Canada

Product Format Details Qty
In Stock ISBN: 9780433475804
Softcover | 1,480 pages

Now, together in the same volume for the first time, are two related and complementary Halsbury's titles – Municipal and Planning and Zoning. Authored by a pair of experts in municipal and planning law, this valuable volume thoroughly covers every aspect of these practice areas.

John Mascarin, M.A., LL.B.

This important title provides a comprehensive overview of the different municipal regimes that exist throughout Canada. The applicable legislation of each province and territory is reviewed and analyzed separately, to provide an in-depth understanding of each statute, and the similarities and differences between jurisdictions regarding the source and extent of municipal authority, and the limits on that authority. Topics covered in this volume include:

  • Formation, fundamental changes, and dissolution
  • Municipal powers
  • Municipal council
  • Municipal organization and administration
  • Financial administration
  • Enforcement of municipal law
  • Oversight mechanisms
  • Municipal liability and other legal matters

Planning and Zoning (2013 Reissue)
William A. Buholzer, B.A., M.A. (Planning), LL.B.

Planning and zoning concerns don't just arise in the course of a municipal law file or with respect to a major development project. They can be just as relevant to a residential or commercial purchase and sale, a minor by-law dispute, or the day-to-day operation of a small business. But while these issues aren't just the province of specialists, they are specialized, and informed guidance is absolutely essential – and now conveniently available. The Halsbury's Planning and Zoning (2013 Reissue) title provides practitioners with a thoughtful and thorough explanation of this important area of law. Topics covered include:

Federal role in, and jurisdiction over, planning and zoning Local planning authorities Official plans Zoning and development controls Development approval procedures Subdivision controls Heritage conservation Enforcement of land use regulations


I. Introduction
II. Alberta
III. British Columbia
IV. Manitoba
V. New Brunswick
VI. Newfoundland and Labrador
VII. Nova Scotia
VIII. Ontario
IX. Prince Edward Island
X. Québec
XI. Saskatchewan
XII. Northwest Territories and Nunavut
XIII. Yukon Territory

Planning and Zoning (2013 Reissue)

I. Planning and Zoning in Federal Law
II. Provincial Land Use Control
III. Local Planning Authorities
IV. The Planning Profession
V. Official Plans
VI. Zoning and Other Site Development Controls
VII. Development Approval Procedures
VIII. The Control of Subdivision
IX. Heritage Conservation
X. Enforcement of Land Use Regulations
XI. Planning and Zoning on First Nations Lands

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