Halsbury's Laws of Canada – Aboriginal (2024 Reissue)

This title succinctly articulates all pertinent legislation and summarizes and analyzes the extensive decisions rendered by the Supreme Court of Canada.

Publication Language: English

Published: August 28, 2024

Publisher: LexisNexis Canada

Product Format Details Qty
In Stock ISBN: 9780433531890
Hardcover | 636 pages

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Since the entrenchment of Aboriginal rights in the Canadian constitution, Aboriginal law has continued to evolve amidst changing political and cultural influences. Over the past four decades, the Supreme Court of Canada has carefully considered the nature of aboriginal rights and their intersection with complex constitutional principles, resulting in an expansive and challenging area of law.

Halsbury's Aboriginal (2024 Reissue) succinctly discusses all pertinent legislation and summarizes and analyzes the extensive decisions rendered by the Supreme Court of Canada, as well as other courts. With its accessible framework and superior analysis, this comprehensive book is an imperative resource for practitioners and professors of aboriginal law, as well as government and other officials who are directly involved with Indigenous peoples.

Topics in this essential reference include:

  • Historical and legal background
    • Pre-confederation period
    • Constitutional law
    • Legislative powers
  • Federal legislation
    • Indian Act and other general legislation
    • Economic and institutional development legislation
    • Land and resource development legislation
    • Self-government legislation
    • Comprehensive land claims legislation
    • Social and cultural matters legislation
  • International law
    • Binding and non-binding international legal obligations
    • Human rights
    • Self-government and international law
  • Aboriginal and treaty rights
    • Nature, assertion and categories of aboriginal rights
    • Treaty rights
    • Other types of rights
    • Reconciliation of aboriginal and treaty rights with Crown sovereignty
  • Indigenous people
    • Legal recognition
    • Indian registration and band membership rules
    • Personal rights and property of Indians
    • Sentencing principles
  • Governance
    • Indian band government under the Indian Act and other federal laws
    • First Nations Elections Act
    • Self-government agreements
  • Lands and natural resources
  • And much more

 I. Historical and Legal Background

II. Federal Legislation

III. International Law

IV. Aboriginal and Treaty Rights

V. Indigenous People

VI. Governance

VII. Lands and Natural Resources

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