British Columbia Planning Law and Practice

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Provides those involved in the land use planning process in B.C. with a "how-to" manual for land use regulation.

Publication Language: English

Publisher: LexisNexis Canada

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In Stock ISBN: 9780433431268
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Provides those involved in the land use planning process in B.C. with a "how-to" manual for land use regulation. The author, a prominent municipal lawyer and former planner, received ongoing feedback and input from the Planning Institute of British Columbia when writing this publication.

Nineteen chapters cover every aspect of planning and land use regulation at the local government level, as well as the land use regulatory powers of senior governments.

Specific topics covered include:

  • The scope of the zoning power
  • Subdivision procedures and approving officers
  • Lawful non-conformity and variances
  • Planning on First Nations lands
  • Liability issues for planners
  • Development and Municipal Services
  • Relevant statutes and regulations

Also included is a by-law drafting guide, must-have statutory materials and a detailed index

In association with the Planning Institute of British Columbia

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