New Appleman Florida Insurance Law

Provides immediate access to knowledge and strategy on every aspect of Florida insurance practice.
Publisher: LexisNexis

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Print Book:1 volume, softbound
2024 Edition
ISBN: 9781663377944
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New Appleman Florida Insurance Law provides the practitioner with immediate access to knowledge and strategy on every aspect of insurance practice in Florida. The publication concisely presents the terms, conditions and exclusions that govern coverage offered against the risks under each line of insurance. This approach provides a comprehensive exploration of key concepts, policy language and insight for litigation of common and esoteric disputes under those policies. Each chapter also provides task-oriented checklists, examples, strategic points, and cross-references to governing statutory and case law. Further, throughout each chapter are helpful cross-references to New Appleman on Insurance Law Library Edition, the leading treatise in the insurance field.

In its introductory chapter, New Appleman Florida Insurance Law presents a clear outline of the nature of insurance, insurance concepts and terms, the insurance industry and the regulatory environment. In the succeeding chapters, the authors address the specifics of Life, Health and Disability Insurance as well as Personal, Commercial and Profession Lines of insurance. In addition, its comprehensive treatment of each line of insurance, separate chapters provide the practitioner with a detailed explanation of issues arising from coverage denials, limitations of insurance coverage, approaches to coverage and coverage litigation and the exposure of insurers to judgments in excess of policy limits. New Appleman Florida Insurance Law also provides comprehensive chapters on the sources of insurance coverage. These chapters give the practitioner with detailed guidance on the scope and nature of primary, excess, umbrella and surplus lines insurance and the Florida statutes governing the availability of coverage for claims against insolvent insurance carriers.

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Table of contents

Chapter 1 Introduction to Insurance
Chapter 2 Common Approaches to Coverage and Coverage Litigation
Chapter 3 Personal Lines
Chapter 4 Commercial Lines: Commercial General Liability Policies
Chapter 5 Commercial Lines: Workers’ Compensation, First Party, Employee Fidelity, Environmental and Additional Insured Coverage
Chapter 6 Professional Lines
Chapter 7 Life, Health and Disability Insurance
Chapter 8 Denials and Limitations of Insurance Coverage
Chapter 9 Extracontractual Liability
Chapter 10 Excess, Umbrella and Surplus Lines Insurance
Chapter 11 Rehabilitation, Liquidation and Guaranty Funds