When Products Kill: Litigation and Regulatory Responses

For the attorney who represents either a client who is a victim of a product-related accident or a manufacturer

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ISBN: 9781634256605
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ISBN: 9781634256605
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Product description

This book is for the attorney who represents either a client who is a victim of a product-related accident or a manufacturer. Part I reviews the basics of product liability law, and how they relate to a potential lawsuit involving a fatality. Part II provides guidance to key federal agencies and their regulatory and nonregulatory programs responsible for preventing specific types of accidents. Part III provides strategies for pursuing or defending a case.

Topics covered include:
• Assessing the case
• Responsible parties and jurisdiction
• Settling a fatal accident case
• Motor vehicle deaths
• Recreational aircraft and vessel deaths
• Food-related deaths
• Prescription drug-related deaths
• Medical device-related deaths
• Pesticide-related deaths
• Strategies for success

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