West Virginia Criminal Laws and Rules Annotated

A go-to volume for the needs of West Virginia criminal law practitioners with comprehensive coverage of criminal laws and rules.
Publisher: Michie

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Print Book:1 volume, softbound
2024 Edition
ISBN: 9781663389558
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From the publishers of the Annotated Laws of West Virginia comes this convenient, single-volume desktop reference providing affordable access to the full range of criminal laws and rules in West Virginia.

Included are the entirety of Chapters 61 (Crimes & Their Punishments) and 62 (Criminal Procedure) as well as a curated selection of related articles spanning 25 chapters of the code. The volume also includes the whole of the West Virginia Rules of Criminal Procedure, West Virginia Rules of Evidence, Rules of Criminal Procedure of the Magistrate Courts of West Virginia, and the Criminal Matters chapter of the West Virginia Trial Court Rules (T.C.R.).

With the included case and statutory annotations and a comprehensive index, this will fast become the handy go-to reference to which practicing West Virginia criminal attorneys will turn.

The previous edition's ISBN is 9781663377050.

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