Washington State Environmental Policy Act: A Legal and Policy Analysis

Washington State Environmental Policy Act: A Legal and Policy Analysis is a complete guide to the requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act of Washington (SEPA). It provides a clear and rational discussion of the present laws and regulations as well as an understanding of the SEPA caselaw.
Publisher: Michie

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Print Book:1 volume, looseleaf, with current supplement
ISBN: 9780327010395
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Washington State Environmental Policy Act: A Legal and Policy Analysis is a complete guide to the requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act of Washington (SEPA). It provides a clear and rational discussion of the present laws and regulations as well as an understanding of the SEPA caselaw. The author leads you through the key concepts of SEPA, including "actions," and "threshold determinations" in clear, concise language. The book discusses the basic requirements for constructing an environmental impact statement (EIS) including the scoping process, the draft and final environmental document, the use of environmental documents, and ultimately the "rule of reason" test by which courts measure legal adequacy.

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Table of contents

Table of Cases
Section 1 Introduction
Section 2 Legislative Background
Section 3 Synopsis of the Statute
Section 4 Statutory Amendments
Section 5 Administrative Elaboration
Section 6 Judicial Interpretation and Attitude
Section 7 SEPA's Central Procedural Requirements: Threshold Determination and Environmental Impact Statement
Section 8 Overview of Threshold Determination and EIS Preparation Process
Section 9 Agencies Subject to SEPA's Procedural Requirements
Section 10 Specific Responsibility for Agency Compliance with SEPA
Section 11 Activities Potentially Subject to Threshold and EIS Requirements
Section 12 Categorical Exemptions
Section 13 Threshold Determination
Section 14 The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
Section 15 The Use of Existing SEPA Documents to Meet SEPA Requirements
Section 16 The Use of Existing NEPA Documents to Meet SEPA Requirements
Section 17 SEPA's Other Procedural Requirements
Section 18 SEPA's Effects on the Substance of Agency Action
Section 19 Administrative Review of SEPA Determinations
Section 20 Judicial Review of SEPA Compliance
Appendix A SEPA Statute
Appendix B SEPA Summary
Appendix C SEPA Rules
Appendix D DOE Interpretations