Utah Code Unannotated

A space-saving unannotated edition of the complete Utah code in 7 volumes with court rules.
Publisher: LexisNexis

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Print Book:7 volumes, softbound
2024 Edition
ISBN: 9781663374530
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Estimated: September 13, 2024
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ISBN: 9781663388230
Estimated: September 13, 2024
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This newest edition of Utah Code Unannotated is a space-saving but full-featured statute set without annotations, and contains:

• The entire Utah Code
• State and federal constitutions
• State and local federal court rules
• Tables of the most recent legislation
• Mini-histories of each statute so you can see when it was last affected
• A comprehensive index

Utah Code Unannotated is published in a convenient, concise and portable softbound, 7-volume format, and is economically priced and replaced annually so you can easily keep your reference materials up-to-date. This is the perfect companion set to our full Utah Code Annotated. Keep the annotated set in your firm's law library, and keep this convenient unannotated set within arms' reach at your desk for quick reference to the text of statutes and rules.

The previous edition's ISBN is 9781663350374.

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Table of contents

Volume 1
Title 1 Abstracters and Abstracts of Title [Repealed]
Title 2 Aeronautics [Renumbered]
Title 3 Uniform Agricultural Cooperative Association Act
Title 4 Utah Agricultural Code
Title 5 Agricultural Department — Marketing [Repealed]
Title 6 Assignment for Benefit of Creditors
Title 7 Financial Institutions
Title 8 Cemeteries
Title 9 Heritage, Arts, Libraries, and Cultural Development
Title 10 Utah Municipal Code
Title 11 Cities, Counties, and Local Taxing Units
Title 12 Collection Agencies
Title 13 Commerce and Trade
Title 14 Contractors’ Bonds
Title 15 Contracts and Obligations in General
Title 15A State Construction and Fire Codes Act
Title 16 Corporations
Title 17 Counties
Title 17A Local Government Controlled Districts [Renumbered/Repealed]
Title 17B Limited Purpose Local Government Entities — Local Districts
Title 17C Limited Purpose Local Government Entities — Community Reinvestment Agency Act
Title 17D Limited Purpose Local Government Entities — Other Entities
Title 18 Dogs
Title 19 Environmental Quality Code

Volume 2
Title 20 Elections [Repealed]
Title 20A Election Code
Title 21 Fees [Renumbered]
Title 22 Fiduciaries and Trusts
Title 23 Wildlife Resources Code
Title 24 Forfeiture and Disposition of Property Act
Title 25 Fraud
Title 26 Utah Health Code
Title 26A Local Health Authorities
Title 27 Highways [Renumbered]
Title 28 Homesteads [Repealed]
Title 29 Hotels and Hotel Keepers
Title 30 Husband and Wife
Title 31 Insurance [Repealed]
Title 31A Insurance Code
Title 32 Intoxicating Liquors [Repealed]
Title 32A Alcoholic Beverage Control Act [Repealed]
Title 32B Alcoholic Beverage Control Act
Title 33 Investments [Repealed]
Title 34 Labor in General
Title 34A Utah Labor Code
Title 35 Labor — Industrial Commission [Renumbered]
Title 35A Utah Workforce Services Code
Title 36 Legislature
Title 37 Libraries [Renumbered]
Title 38 Liens
Title 39 Militia and Armories
Title 40 Mines and Mining

Volume 3
Title 41 Motor Vehicles
Title 42 Names
Title 43 Negotiable Certificates
Title 44 Negotiable Instruments [Repealed]
Title 45 Publication and Broadcasting
Title 46 Notarization and Authentication of Documents, Electronic Signatures, and Legal Material
Title 47 Nuisances
Title 48 Unincorporated Business Entity Act
Title 49 Utah State Retirement and Insurance Benefit Act
Title 50 Pools and Trusts
Title 51 Public Funds and Accounts
Title 52 Public Officers
Title 53 Public Safety Code
Title 53A State System of Public Education
Title 53B State System of Higher Education
Title 53C School and Institutional Trust Lands Management Act
Title 53D School and Institutional Trust Fund
Title 53E Public Education System — State Administration
Title 53F Public Education System — Funding
Title 53G Public Education System — Local Administration
Title 54 Public Utilities
Title 55 Public Welfare
Title 56 Railroads
Title 57 Real Estate
Title 58 Occupations and Professions
Title 58A Contractors, Plumbers and Electricians [Repealed]

Volume 4
Title 59 Revenue and Taxation
Title 60 Sales [Repealed]
Title 61 Securities Division — Real Estate Division
Title 62 Sports [Renumbered]
Title 62A Utah Human Services Code
Title 63 State Affairs in General [Renumbered]
Title 63A Utah Administrative Services Code
Title 63B Bonds
Title 63C State Commissions and Councils
Title 63D Information Technology Act
Title 63E Independent Entities Code
Title 63F Utah Technology Governance Act
Title 63G General Government
Title 63H Independent State Entities
Title 63I Oversight
Title 63J Budgeting
Title 63K Emergency Management [Renumbered]
Title 63L Lands
Title 63M Governor’s Programs
Title 63N Governor’s Office of Economic Development
Title 64 State Institutions
Title 65 State Lands [Repealed]
Title 65A Forestry, Fire, and State Lands
Title 66 State Loan Commissioners [Repealed]
Title 67 State Officers and Employees
Title 68 Statutes
Title 69 Telegraphic and Telephonic Transactions

Volume 5
Title 70 Trademarks and Trade Names
Title 70A Uniform Commercial Code
Title 70B Utah Uniform Consumer Credit Code [Repealed]
Title 70C Utah Consumer Credit Code
Title 70D Financial Institution Mortgage Financing Regulation Act
Title 71 Veterans
Title 72 Transportation Code
Title 73 Water and Irrigation
Title 74 Wills and Successions [Repealed]
Title 75 Utah Uniform Probate Code
Title 76 Utah Criminal Code
Title 77 Utah Code of Criminal Procedure
Title 78 Judicial Code [Renumbered]
Title 78A Judiciary and Judicial Administration
Title 78B Judicial Code
Title 79 Natural Resources
Constitution of the United States
Constitution of Utah

Volume 6
Utah Rules of Civil Procedure
Utah Rules of Small Claims Procedure
Utah Rules of Court-Annexed Alternative Dispute Resolution
Utah Rules of Criminal Procedure
Utah Rules of Appellate Procedure
Utah Supreme Court Standing Orders
Utah Rules of Juvenile Procedure
Utah Rules of Evidence
Rules of Practice of the U.S. District Court for the District of Utah
Local Rules of Practice of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Utah
Rules of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit
Code of Judicial Administration

Volume 7