Mastering Intellectual Property

Mastering Intellectual Property is a practical guide to the intricacies of trade secret, patent, copyright, moral rights, trademark, and related fields of intellectual property law.
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ISBN: 9781611633207
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Product description

Mastering Intellectual Property is a practical guide to the intricacies of trade secret, patent, copyright, moral rights, trademark, and related fields of intellectual property law. Less detailed than a multi-volume treatise, and aimed at an interested but novice audience, the book describes and then illustrates each of these separate but related areas of law, comparing and contrasting their distinct features, uses, benefits, and shortcomings. The book features clear statements of the applicable rules and standards and follows each with illustrative examples that demonstrate the application of the abstract law to concrete facts. The book is an indispensable aid and supplement to anyone seeking to master the broad spectrum of intellectual property law.

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