Massachusetts Official Reports, Supreme Judicial Court and Appeals Court Bound Volumes

LexisNexis is proud to be the Official Publisher of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts and the Appeals Court of Massachusetts.
Publisher: LexisNexis
Print Book :Print Book
In Stock
ISBN: 9781630448196
Publisher: LexisNexis
International Order Inquiry

Product description

LexisNexis is proud to be the Official Publisher of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts and the Appeals Court of Massachusetts. LexisNexis is the only place to find the Massachusetts Official Reports, the official case law of the state of Massachusetts. The bound volumes are the popular green and tan books containing the final, official, full text of the Supreme Judicial and Appeals Courts’ opinions. The reports also contain the court rule amendments and recissions, Commission on Judicial Conduct rules, Decisions Pursuant to Rule 1:28, Notations of Further Appellate Review and Rescript Opinions. Because LexisNexis works directly with the court, our official version of Massachusetts state case law reflects the most authentic and timely record of court opinions available.

The Supreme Judicial Court and Appeals Court Bound Volumes are published in hardbound format and are billed as they are issued.