Maryland Legislative Review Service

A convenient early overview of the annual legislation enacted by the General Assembly, arranged topically.
Publisher: Michie

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Print Book:1 volume, softbound
2024 Edition
ISBN: 9781663392756
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The Maryland Legislative Review Service provides an early overview of the annual legislation enacted by the General Assembly and signed into law by the Governor. Composed by the expert LexisNexis editorial team, the enactments are presented in a topical arrangement. Information includes an overview of each chapter, articles and sections of the Code affected, how they were affected, and the effective date of each enactment.

Published two months prior to the shipment of the annual Cumulative Supplement to Michie's Annotated Code of Maryland, the Legislative Review Service provides early notice of legislative changes in a topical format that makes it easy for the practitioner to locate information on the subject of interest, such as Cities and Towns, Counties, Education, Elderly, Juvenile Law, Social Services, Vehicle laws, in addition to the named article topics. It provides a continuing reference for locating changes in a given year's legislation for a given topic.

The previous edition's ISBN is 9781663367693.

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Table of contents

I. Agriculture
II. Agriculture; Environment
III. Alcoholic Beverages
IV. Alcoholic Beverages - Local
V. Alcoholic Beverages - Statewide
VI. Animals VII. Animals, Fish And Reptiles
VIII. Anti-Trust And Trade Regulation
IX. Arts And Entertainment
X. Athletics
XI. Athletics And Sports
XII. Aviation
XIII. Banks
XIV. Banks And Financial Institutions
XV. Bi-County Agencies
XVI. Business Regulation And Occupations
XVII. Campaign Finance
XVIII. Capital Budget
XIX. Charities And Non-Profit Organizations
XX. Children
XXI. Cities And Towns
XXII. Civil Rights And Discrimination
XXIII. Commercial Law
XXIV. Commercial Law - Consumer Protection
XXV. Community Colleges - Local Bills
XXVI. Consumer Protection
XXVII. Corporations And Associations
XXVIII. Corporations, Partnerships, And Limited Liability Companies
XXIX. Corrections
XXX. Counties
XXXI. Counties-Generally
XXXII. Counties - Local Laws
XXXIII. Courts
XXXIV. Courts And Court Personnel - Local
XXXV. Courts And Court Personnel - Statewide
XXXVI. Crime Victims
XXXVII. Criminal Law And Procedure
XXXVIII. Criminal Law - Procedure
XXXIX. Debtor And Creditor
XL. Disabled Persons
XLI. Disabled, Blind, And Handicapped Persons
XLII. Domestic Violence And Abuse
XLIII. Economic Development
XLIV. Economic Growth And Development
XLV. Education
XLVII. Education - Higher Education
XLVIII. Education - Primary, Secondary, And Higher
XLIX. Elderly
L. Election Law
LI. Elections
LII. Energy
LIII. Environment
LIV. Environment And Natural Resources
LV. Estates And Trusts
LVI. Ethics
LVII. Family Law
LVIII. Families And Family Law
LIX. Financial Institutions
LX. Firefighters, Firefighting And Rescue Squads
LXI. Gaming
LXII. Gambling And Gaming
LXIII. Gambling, Gaming, And The Lottery
LXIV. Health Care
LXV. Health Care Facilities And Regulation
LXVI. Health Occupations
LXVII. Higher Education
LXVIII. Highways, Roads, Streets, And Bridges
LXIX. Historic Preservation
LXX. History And Historic Preservation
LXXI. Horse Racing
LXXII. Housing
LXXIII. Housing - Single- And Multi-Family Dwellings
LXXIV. Hunting And Fishing
LXXV. Insurance
LXXVI. Insurance - Health
LXXVII. Insurance - Life, Health, Auto, Property And Liability
LXXVIII. Insurance - Other Than Health
LXXIX. Juveniles And Youth
LXXX. Juvenile Law
LXXXI. Labor And Employment
LXXXII. Law Enforcement And Corrections
LXXXIII. Laws And the Legal System
LXXXIV. Local Debt (Bonds)
LXXXV. Local Government - Generally
LXXXVI. Mental Health
LXXXVII. Military - Active Duty, Reserves, And National Guard, And Veterans
LXXXVIII. Military - Reserves And National Guard
LXXXIX. Military - Veterans
XC. Motor Vehicles
XCI. Municipal Corporations
XCII. Natural Resources - Generally
XCIII. Primary And Secondary Education
XCIV. Professions And Occupations
XCV. Public Employees And Officials
XCVI. Public Health
XCVII. Public Safety
XCVIII. Public Transportation And Mass Transit
XCIX. Racial Discrimination And Race Relations
C. Real Property
CI. Real Property Law
CII. Science And Technology
CIII. Special Taxing Districts
CIV. State Debt CV. State Debt (Bonds)
CVI. State Government
CVII. State Government - Agencies, Offices, And Officials
CVIII. State Government - General
CIX. State Government - General Assembly
CX. State Government - Personnel
CXI. State Government - Procurement
CXII. State Pensions And Retirement
CXIII. State Procurement
CXIV. State And Local Government Procurement
CXV. Taxation
CXVI. Taxes - Income
CXVII. Taxes - Property
CXVIII. Taxes - Property - Local
CXIX. Taxes - Recordation And Transfer
CXX. Taxes - Sales And Use
CXXI. Tourism
CXXII. Taxes - Transportation
CXXIII. Transportation - Highways
CXXIV. Transportation And Mass Transit
CXXV. Unemployment Insurance
CXXVI. Utilities
CXXVII. Vehicle Laws - Equipment And Inspections
CXXVIII. Vehicle Laws - General
CXXIX. Vehicle Laws - Miscellaneous
CXXX. Vehicle Laws - Rules Of The Road
CXXXI. Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission
CXXXII. Watercraft And Vessels
CXXXIII. Watercraft, Vessels, And Boating
CXXXIV. Wills, Trusts, And Estates
CXXXV. Workers' Compensation