LexisNexis Ohio Rules of Court Annotated

A collection of rules of court and rules governing the conduct of the bench and bar in Ohio.
Publisher: LexisNexis

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Print Book:5 volumes, softbound
2024-2025 Edition
ISBN: 9781663382658
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2024-2025 Edition
ISBN: 9781663392435
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2024-2025 Edition
ISBN: 9781663392435
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Price displayed is for customers residing in-state only. Out-of-state customers please call 1-800-223-1940 for more information.

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LexisNexis Ohio Rules of Court Annotated provides a collection of rules of court and rules governing the conduct of the bench and bar in Ohio. The publication includes selected case annotations and other research sources deemed beneficial to the users of this product. For quick, efficient research, LexisNexis Ohio Rules of Court Annotated provides individual indexes for the State, Local and Federal Rules. The durable softbound format allows the volumes to be revised and replaced economically each year and gives Ohio lawyers speedy access to state, local, and federal court rules.

The previous edition's ISBN is 9781663350923.

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