LexisNexis CD - North Dakota

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Publisher: LexisNexis
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ISBN: 9780327107477
Publisher: LexisNexis
International Order Inquiry

Product description

The new LexisNexis CD platform has the following new and enhanced features:

Browser-based functionality. Designed to run in your browser, the LexisNexis CD platform features a user-friendly and intuitive interface, making searching easier than ever.

Improved phrase searches. Phrase searches are much faster than in previous software versions.

Search features. This new feature allows you to hone search criteria and then use that criteria to search only those documents returned in response to the most recently performed searches.

Saved Searches feature. The LexisNexis CD platform lets you save searches for retrieval and reuse at any time, included from session to session.

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Table of contents

Improve your legal research capabilities with the foremost CD-ROM research system that's fast, easy, current and affordable. LexisNexis CD - North Dakota includes: 

North Dakota Century Code Annotated
North Dakota Supreme Court Decisions 1928 to date
North Dakota Court of Appeals Decisions 1987 to date
North Dakota Administrative Code
North Dakota Court Rules Annotated
United States Constitution
North Dakota Constitution Annotated
Quarterly updates
Free Online Connection to a special state caselaw update library on the Lexis.com. service

Formerly part of the Michie line.