Jury Instructions in Commercial Litigation

Commercial litigation presents a unique set of challenges for the trial attorney. Often complex and highly technical, it strains the ability of the attorney to present - and for the jury to understand - the issues in dispute. Jury Instructions in Commercial Litigation helps you overcome these obstacles, providing a comprehensive collection of jury instructions successfully given by judges and followed by juries in actual commercial trials. Each instruction explains clearly the issues for the layman, translating complex legal concepts into everyday language.
Publisher: Michie

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ISBN: 9781579113179
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ISBN: 9781579113179
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Print Book:1 volume, looseleaf
ISBN: 9780327162193
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International Order Inquiry

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Commercial litigation presents a unique set of challenges for the trial attorney. Often complex and highly technical, it strains the ability of the attorney to present - and for the jury to understand - the issues in dispute. Jury Instructions in Commercial Litigation helps you overcome these obstacles, providing a comprehensive collection of jury instructions successfully given by judges and followed by juries in actual commercial trials. Each instruction explains clearly the issues for the layman, translating complex legal concepts into everyday language.

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Table of contents

Group 1 Breach of Fiduciary Relationships
Group 2 Commercial and Business Torts
Group 3 Interference with Economic Relationships
Group 4 Contract
Group 5 Bailment
Group 6 Carriers
Group 7 Employment Issues
Group 8 Patent
Group 9 Trademark
Group 10 Copyright
Group 11 Trade Secrets
Group 12 Commercial Bribery
Group 13 Civil RICO
Group 14 Attorney and Accountant Malpractice
Group 15 Businesses, Taverns, Hotels, and Inns
Group 16 Vicarious Liability
Group 17 Damages