iPad in One Hour for Lawyers

This book, from the American Bar Association, will describe how to buy, install, and update iPad apps that are essential for any law practice.

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At last count, there were more than 80,000 apps available for the iPad. Finding the best apps often can be an overwhelming, confusing, and frustrating process. iPad Apps in One Hour for Lawyers provides the "best of the best" apps that are essential for any law practice. In just one hour, you will learn about the apps most worthy of your time and attention. This book will describe how to buy, install, and update iPad apps, and help you:

 •  Find apps to get organized and improve your productivity
 •  Create, manage, and store documents on your iPad
 •  Choose the best apps for your law office, including litigation and billing apps
 •  Find the best news, reading, and reference apps
 •  Take your iPad on the road with apps for travelers
 •  Maximize your social networking power
 •  Have some fun with game and entertainment apps during your relaxation time

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