Instructions for Virginia and West Virginia

For more than 60 years, Michie's Instructions for Virginia and West Virginia have served the Bench and Bar.
Publisher: Michie
Print Book :4 volumes, hardbound, with current supplement
4th & 5th Editions
In Stock
ISBN: 9780874732870
Publisher: Michie
International Order Inquiry

Product description

For more than 60 years, Michie's Instructions for Virginia and West Virginia has served the bench and bar of the Virginias. First published in 1931, this three-volume set is now in its Fourth and Fifth Edition. Michie's staff of lawyer-editors built on the foundation established by the first three editions by making timely revisions and deleting obsolete topics. It covers instructions not published elsewhere on such topics as: eminent domain, railroads, banks and banking, employer-employee, mining, physicians and surgeons.Michie Company keeps this Edition current with annual pocket-part supplements and covers unreported cases in the current cumulative supplement.