Deering's California Codes Annotated: General Index

This volume contains the general index for the Deering's California Codes; this index covers the entirety of the Deering's Codes.
Publisher: Michie

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Print Book:1 volume, softbound
2024 Edition
ISBN: 9781663374226
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International Order Inquiry

Product description

This volume contains the general index for the Deering's California Codes; this index covers the entirety of the Deering's Codes. In addition to the general index, the volume also contains 2 specialized indexes: the Popular Names index, which lists statutes having either a popular name or a short title, and the New and Noted index, which contains indexing for new and noteworthy legislation from the current year’s legislative session. Additionally, the volume contains a Foreword to the Index and a Table of Abbreviations.