Illinois Governmental Tort and Section 1983 Civil Rights Liability

A comprehensive look at the tort liability of local governmental entities in Illinois.
Publisher: Matthew Bender

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Print Book:1 volume, hardbound
ISBN: 9780327159254
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Illinois Governmental Tort and Section 1983 Civil Rights Liability is the only pub on the market that takes a comprehensive look at the tort liability of local governmental entities in Illinois, and the defenses available to them. This is an essential resource for any practitioner involved in litigation concerning a local governmental entity in Illinois, whether it's a police department, a school district, a sanitation department, or some other similar entity. The book includes analysis of the Illinois Local Tort Immunity Act, the Public Defender and Appellate Defender Immunity Act, the Good Samaritan Act, absolute immunity for prosecutors and judges, liability for police, fire, and EMS services, medical liability, and a local governmental entity’s immunity for discretionary activities. Besides attorneys, this book is an essential resource for risk managers of all governmental entities in Illinois. The book was completely revised, reorganized, and redesigned in 2009. This Edition of the publication also emphasizes the increasing volume and significance of governmental tort liability in the context of civil rights actions brought under Section 1983.

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Table of contents

Chapter 1 General Principles of Local Governmental Tort Liability
Chapter 2 The Public Duty Rule and the Special Duty Doctrine
Chapter 3 Immunity for Discretionary Activities
Chapter 4 Defenses and Immunities to Claims Involving Public Property
Chapter 5 Defenses and Immunities to Claims Involving Police/Fire/EMS/Medical Services
Chapter 6 Common-Law Immunities For Public Officials And Parents
Chapter 7 School District Liability: Immunity Under The Illinois School Code
Chapter 8 Defenses and Immunities for Construction - Related Claims
Chapter 9 State Lawsuit Immunities
Chapter 10 Section 1983 Civil Rights Litigation