Illinois Criminal Procedure

This one-of-a-kind publication examines criminal practice and procedure in Illinois and focuses on the federal and state constitutional issues that arise in criminal cases. The Seventh Edition of this one-of-a-kind publication examines criminal practice and procedure in Illinois and focuses on the federal and state constitutional issues that arise in criminal cases.
Publisher: LexisNexis

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Print Book:2 volumes, hardbound
7th Edition
ISBN: 9781663393036
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7th Edition
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This one-of-a-kind publication examines criminal practice and procedure in Illinois and focuses on the federal and state constitutional issues that arise in criminal cases. The Seventh Edition has been thoroughly upgraded in light of new legislation and decisional law by the U.S. and Illinois Supreme Courts. Among other enhancements, it contains newly added discussions on eavesdropping, Apprendi, guilty pleas, appeals, post-trial and post-sentencing motions, and recent developments such as defense motions for DNA testing.

The previous edition's ISBN is 9781663345578.

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Table of contents

Volume 1
Chapter 1 Arrests, Searches and Seizures
Chapter 2 Confessions
Chapter 3 Charging
Chapter 4 Pretrial Procedures and Practices

Volume 2
Chapter 5 Trial Rights and Procedures
Chapter 6 Sentencing
Chapter 7 Direct Appeals and Original Actions in the Supreme Court
Chapter 8 Collateral Remedies and Statutory DNA Remedy
Table of Cases
Table of Statutes