Equal Employment of Persons with Disabilities

This book provides employers with sound business reasons for hiring and retaining persons with disabilities, along with specific recommendations on integrating them into the workplace while enhancing overall productivity for all employees.

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ISBN: 9781614381266
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ISBN: 9781614381266
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This book provides employers with sound business reasons for hiring and retaining persons with disabilities, along with specific recommendations on integrating them into the workplace while enhancing overall productivity for all employees. Four legal perspectives are covered:

1) An historical overview of the employment rights of persons with disabilities.
2) A legal analysis of the broad range of federal and state laws prohibiting bias and discrimination based on disability, and the legal duty to provide reasonable accommodations.
3) Guidance on how to identify and implement accommodations and other types of assistances for persons with disabilities that enrich the entire workplace.
4) A discussion of formal and informal mentoring.

These perspectives are intended to provide employers, and those lawyers who represent employers, with a comprehensive understanding of the basic legal obligations employers have to job applicants and employees who have disabilities, and a disability diversity blueprint, including specific examples of best practices that employers may adopt or adapt to successfully implement disability diversity programs and initiatives in the workplace.

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