America Votes! Challenges to Modern Election Law and Voting Rights

The authors of this book challenge us to think of a political system in new ways with a focus on our founders’ goal of a more perfect union. This book is a must-read for anyone concerned about our political future.

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Print Book:1 volume, softbound
4th Edition
ISBN: 9781641055543
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4th Edition
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The authors challenge us to think of a political system in new ways with a focus on our founders' goal of a more perfect union. This book is a must-read for anyone concerned about our political future. This fourth edition addresses important electoral issues, including:

  • Voter qualifications, registration, immigration and citizenship, language minority participation, and Native American voting;
  • The voting process, early voting, same day registration, cybersecurity threats, campaign finance pitfalls, and Maine’s experiment with ranked-choice voting;
  • Voting rights litigation, section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, criminal enforcement, the impact of Shelby County and legislation to reform the voting process;
  • Recounts and audits and the legacy of Gore v. Bush; and
  • Redistricting equal protection and fair districts math and partisan gerrymandering.

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