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Print Book:1 Volume, Softbound, 275 pages
1st Edition
ISBN: 9781522145875
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Digital Health is a highly dynamic ecosystem of technological innovation with profound effects on all facets of health care. The key components of today's Digital Health are:
  • Electronic health records and other health information technology;
  • Big data and data analytics;
  • Telemedicine;
  • Mobile personal engagement tools.

This book explains how, taken together, these developments transform the provider-patient relationship, change the way research is conducted, trigger privacy and security concerns, alter relationships with health plans, and give rise to a new generation of innovation. Digital Health participants face an outdated and ambiguous legal and regulatory framework and enforcement by state and federal regulatory agencies, including:

  • State attorneys general;
  • State licensure and accreditation agencies;
  • Food and Drug Administration; Federal Trade Commission;
  • Federal Communications Commission;
  • Department of Health and Human Services’ Offices of Civil Rights, Human Research Protection, and Inspector General—among others.
This book provides both the fundamental understanding and tactical foresight you need to develop a comprehensive Digital Health strategy.

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Published March, 2018.