The Modern Law of Patents Fourth edition

The Modern Law of Patents is an essential resource for patent lawyers and patent attorneys.

Publication Date: December 2018

Publisher: LexisNexis Butterworths

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SG$  878.08
Back-order ISBN: 9781474310321


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The Modern Law of Patents is an essential resource for patent lawyers and patent attorneys. The title offers a fresh, and comprehensive exposition of law and procedure relating to patents in the UK and Europe; and includes key precedents and court forms, covers useful historical information and materials, and also explores recent and future developments in patent law in one handy volume. The fourth edition of this title will cover: - Key Supreme Court decision in Warner-Lambert Company LLC v Generics (UK) Ltd t/a Mylan and another [2018] - Recent key Court of Appeal decisions in Unwired Planet International Ltd v Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd & Anor [2018], and Icescape v Ice-World [2018] - The revival of a doctrine of equivalents and Eli Lilly v Actavis [2017] - The new threats provisions under the Intellectual Property (Unjustified Threats) Act 2017 and its relationship to malicious prosecution following Willers v Joyce [2016] - Declarations of obviousness: Fujifilm Kyowa Kirin Biologics v Abbvie Biotechnology Ltd [2017] - The effect on employee compensation following Shanks v Unilever [2017] - The Unitary Patent Court, including the Protocol on provisional applications (PPA) and the most recent (18th) draft of the Rules of Procedure - Developments in IPEC practice - The developments in cases on damages and account of profits case law - Settlements and competition law: T-472/13 Ludbeck ECLI:EU:T:2016:449 (on appeal C-591/16) - All the developments in practice under the Patents Act 1977, the Patent Cooperation Treaty and at the European Patent Office



Chapter 1 - Introduction

Chapter 2 - Key Data Protection Principles

Chapter 3 - Collecting Personal Data

Chapter 4 - Using Personal Data

Chapter 5 - Disclosing Personal Data

Chapter 6 - Understanding The Rights of Individuals

Chapter 7 - Keeping Personal Data Accurate and Safe

Chapter 8 - Marketing Messages

Chapter 9 - Online Business and Websites

Chapter 10 - Employee Data

Chapter 11 - Enforcement and Penalties

Chapter 12 - Sector-Specific Legislation

Chapter 13 - Compliance Checklist for Organisations

Appendix 1 - Abbreviations

Appendix 2 - Useful Resources

Appendix 3 - Personal Data Protection Act 2012

Appendix 4 - Spam Control Act


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