Singapore Trusts Law [eBook]

The book is intended to serve as a core textbook for students studying Equity and Trusts in Singapore, and as a useful reference for practitioners. As such, it will closely cover the Equity and Trusts course syllabuses in all three local law schools.

Publication Date: August 2021

Publisher: LexisNexis

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SG$  244.16
ISBN: 9789814892889
Trust Law in Singapore has come a long way from its English roots. The successful development of an indigenous legal system in Singapore has meant that Singapore Trusts Law now has its own rich jurisprudence that draws on the best legal thinking throughout the Commonwealth, while retaining its own character. Developments in English law remain persuasive, though the Singapore courts are ready to depart from them where they are inappropriate for the local context or where there are disagreements on principle. This book is designed to lay out the Law of Trusts as it currently stands in Singapore. Special care has been taken to cite local precedents, statutes and academic writing where available. It is hoped that this book will be a useful resource for practitioners and students alike, as it offers more in-depth analysis at points, while also striving to be accessible to those embarking upon the subject for the first time.

1. Equity and Trusts in Singapore

2. Basic Requirements for Express Trusts

3. Beneficiaries

4. Creation of Express Private Trusts

5. Trusts, Powers and Other Dispositive Mechanisms

6. Non-Charitable Purpose Trusts

7. Unincorporated Associations

8. Charitable Trusts

9. Resulting Trusts

10. Constructive Trusts- Overview

11. Common Intention Constructive Trusts

12. Remedial Constructive Trusts

13. Quistclose Trusts

14. Trustees

15. Fiduciaries and Fiduciary Duties

16. Following and Tracing

17. Rights Against Third Parties

18. Remedies

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