Halsbury’s Laws of Singapore V1(2) Arbitration

The Arbitration title under the HLS series has been updated by Professor Lawrence Boo and Delphine Ho. Within the 15 chapters, readers will find an engaging commentary related to the law of arbitration in Singapore, from mature of arbitration to jurisdiction, tribunal and award. Updates to the volume include relevant and latest cases and provisions such as BZW & and anor v BZV [2022] 1 SLR 1080, [2022] SGCA 1, Hunan Xiangzhong Mining Group Ltd v Oilive Pte Ltd [2022] SGHC 43, Phoenixfin Pte Ltd and others v Convexity Ltd [2022] 2 SLR 23, [2022] SGCA 17, Copyright Act 2021 (2020 Rev Ed), Insolvency, Restructuring and Dissolution Act 2018 Companies Act and Rules of Court 2021 (S 914/2021).

Publication Date: February 2023

Publisher: LexisNexis

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Book (Hardback)
SG$  1,373.40
Back-order ISBN: 9789815019629


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The Arbitration title under the HLS series has been updated by Professor Lawrence Boo and Delphine Ho. Within the 15 chapters, readers will find an engaging commentary related to the law of arbitration in Singapore, from mature of arbitration to jurisdiction, tribunal and award. Updates to the volume include relevant and latest cases and provisions such as BZW & and anor v BZV [2022] 1 SLR 1080, [2022] SGCA 1, Hunan Xiangzhong Mining Group Ltd v Oilive Pte Ltd [2022] SGHC 43, Phoenixfin Pte Ltd and others v Convexity Ltd [2022] 2 SLR 23, [2022] SGCA 17, Copyright Act 2021 (2020 Rev Ed), Insolvency, Restructuring and Dissolution Act 2018 Companies Act and Rules of Court 2021 (S 914/2021).

Chapter 01: Introduction

Chapter 02: Statutory Models

Chapter 03: Ambit of the Singapore SOP Act

Chapter 04: Statutory Compliance and Anti-Avoidance

Chapter 05: Payment Claim

Chapter 06: Payment Response

Chapter 07: Set-offs and Deductions

Chapter 08: Dispute Settlement Period and Notice of Intention

Chapter 09: The Adjudication Application

Chapter 10: The Adjudication Response

Chapter 11: Adjudicators and Adjudication Proceedings

Chapter 12: Adjudicator’s Duties

Chapter 13: Jurisdiction of Adjudicators

Chapter 14: Natural Justice

Chapter 15: Adjudicator’s Powers

Chapter 16: The Adjudication Determination

Chapter 17: Adjudication Review

Chapter 18: Enforcing Payment

Chapter 19: Challenging an Adjudication Determination

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